Sree Bhadra - Treatment for Nervous System Problems

Nervous System

One of the most complex systems responsible for governing the human body is the Nervous System. The Nervous system is a network of cells called neurons that transmit signals to all parts of the body. It regulates the interaction between the external world and the internal system, as well as coordinates between the trillions of cells within our body. As per Ayurveda, the main dosha that controls the nervous system is the vatha dosha. Saying this does not undermine the importance of the other doshas, as they interact with each other and are interdependent. For example, when we eat, the vatha dosha is responsible for the movement of the food to the digestive tract, the kapha dosha lubricates it and the pitha dosha aids digestion.
However, vatha is considered to be of prime importance with regard to the nervous system. The vatha dosha represents movement and is identified with the prana vayu (one of the five types of vatha that resides in the head and governs reasoning, learning, creativity, reception of information, interpretation of and reaction to signals, consciousness). One of the prime indications of vatha imbalance for sensitive people is anxiety. Anxiety can arrest our creativity and attention significantly. Unresolved anxiety can convert into chronic debilitating stress. Vatha needs a balance between stability and movement to be effective. All Ayurvedic treatments mainly aim at restoring and stabilizing the balance of the vatha dosha (unless the condition is governed by a different dosha). This enables an individual let go of anxiety, opening the door to more creativity and calmness.
Regular practice of dantha dhavana, mukha prakashalana, gandoosha, abhyanga, vyayam, pratimarsha nasyam, dhoomapanam, nidra etc. are treatments that are very effective in treating nervous system disorders. Panchakarma also plays an important role in restoring health and vitality. Shirotharpana, nasyam, shirodhara, shiropichu, etc. are highly useful in treating depression, hair loss, headache, migraine and other ENT diseases.
According to Ayurveda Dosha Dhathu mala moolam hi sareerem – i.e. the essentials that make up the human body are the doshas (body humors), dhatus (tissues) and malas (waste). Our improper choices made regarding lifestyle and food habits, cause imbalance in the dosha, dhatu and mala, thus causing all problems. To maintain the dosha in their proper manner, one should follow regulated lifestyle and food habits. Also, undertaking cleansing therapies often helps the body get rid of the toxins that tend to accumulate in the body owing to various internal and external factors. This, combined with yoga and meditation, help restore peace and calm to the mind and body.



Migraine is characterised by headache associated with visual disturbance, photophobia and vomiting. While the exact cause of migraine is unknown, it can be attributed to strain, psychological stress, intake of incompatible food items, exposure to loud noises, excessive smoking or alcohol consumption, hormonal imbalances, lack of exercise or allergic reactions. The pain typically begins in the forehead, side of the head and gradually worsens. The onset of migraine can be accompanied by fatigue, depression, insomnia, mood alterations, constipation or diarrhoea, muscle stiffness amongst other discomforts.
According to Ayurveda, the vitiation of the Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) causes the problem. However, the prime troublemaker is the pitha dosha (the dosha associated with fire). The vitiation of the pitha dosha causes heat to build up in the blood vessels. As a result of this, the blood vessels dilate and put pressure on the nervous system. This is what leads to migraines.
The Ayurvedic approach to treating migraines mainly focuses on restoring the balance of the pitha dosha in the body, and also aims at replenishing the energies of the body and mind. The Ayurvedic treatments aim at eradicating the ailment from its roots. Various cleansing and detoxification methods are administered to restore the digestive system of the body. Also, various treatments (both internal and external medication) are administered to calm and strengthen the nervous system.
Apart from the treatments, the doctors also recommend a diet and lifestyle plan tailored to suit the individuals body type and root cause of disease.

Selvaraj Mooppanar, Tribal Traditional Ayurvedic Vaidyan



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