Ayurvedic herbs are extracted from different parts of the plant – leaves, nuts, seeds, bark, roots and so on. There are thousands of such herbs and their combinations which are available as medicines. The method of processing & extraction also varies greatly – while some are extracted by boiling in water, some are used to make herbal wines and others are used directly for ingestion. Combination of herbs which are described in Ayurvedic scriptures are called “classical medicines” while those which have been formulated by pharmaceutical companies are called “proprietary medicines”. It is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic Doctor/Vaidyan before starting any medication.
We specialize in treating a variety of conditions, including muscular pain, back pain, difficulty walking, body pain, sensation of paralysis, tendon pain, joint pain, and swelling in the joints.
Our body massage treatments are effective in eliminating accumulated and unnecessary fats from the body.
We utilize traditional Ayurvedic diagnostic methods to accurately diagnose conditions. For prolonged illness or damage to the body, we offer handmade oil baths that are crafted with the utmost dedication and can help provide a cure.